Unleash your Purpose, Passion & Profit

Unleash your Purpose, Passion and Profit

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Unleash your Purpose, Passion & Profit

So you want to Unleash your Purpose and Passion for Profit?

Being an entrepreneur  is not easy. It would take someone who is able to push through the odds to make it to the other end.

So if you think you want to be a successful one, you must forget all you think you know already and begin this entrepreneurial journey with CLARITY.

The aim is to help you understand exactly how to find your unique gifts, goals and desires to make profit.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of the dreams”.

– Eleanor Roosevelt

This road is not for the faint-hearted, because it is a big responsibility but it sure opens the way to have the life you want which can be amazing and really rewarding.

Whether you want to launch a mega-multinational empire or start a micro business you can run from your home, it all starts with the same foundation.

Clarity on what you ultimately want, clarity on the people and industry you most want to serve, clarity on your strengths, clarity on the business model that’ll give you the greatest chance at making a positive impact and profit.

How to know your Purpose

Buried deep within the clarity of what you most want is your Purpose. Purpose is not some unthinkable or unimaginable dream waiting for the fairy dust to bring it to life.

No; it has always been a silent partner throughout your conscious life or has been a dominant trait in every aspect of your activities.

For example, if you take a minute to recall the things, activities, likes, desires, etc., that you gravitate towards. It could be activities you find joy in doing either paid or voluntary.

Do you like helping others with a particular task? Do you find yourself able to teach people to understand where other people struggle to pass the message across clearly? Do you find interests in words, numbers, geometry, architecture, etc?

The roadmap and pathway to fully enjoy the journey to entrepreneurship is to know what you are ‘called’ to do. Everyone has a purpose no matter who they are, not only entrepreneurs.

Doctors, nurses, architects, engineers, teachers, lawyers, accountants, etc., may be working in a job but they all have a purpose to serve, heal, save, make the roads better, create new techs, and so on.

Purpose is therefore not some magical moment, day, event, time or something that just appears from the moon or heaven with stars, whistles and bells.

Purpose simply means to have an intended result! The moment you set out to seek out your purpose, you will find it (Seek and you will find).

Download this purpose defining worksheet to help you unleash your purpose and passion

Tuning In

If you tune in to your intuition, you will see that everything you have done in life has been shaping you for your purpose. Even situations that have been unpleasant are providing you with lessons that will help you fulfill your purpose.

If you are still doing soul search of what you are destined for – I would strongly suggest you start to become aware of what you do and things you have done in the past.

Set time aside and begin to piece the pictures together to see what moment, things or activities, gave you the utmost pleasure and joy whilst you were doing them both formal and informal.

Sometimes, you will discover that you are already in your purpose unconsciously. But you’ve totally missed it because you are still in the ‘searching for my purpose’ mode. It’s very important that you’re aware, alert and open to every moment.

Your purpose becomes clear from being alert to what you are drawn to daily, every minute and second of the day. Take account of or journal the things you do and say that touches someone else’s lives. Anything that you do that blesses others apart from you is your purpose.

Your purpose is that authentic power that comes from your soul to do to others that propels them or lifts them up.

To walk and fulfil your purpose, you have to begin to take a glimpse into those things you are drawn to. The ones that bring out the best in you or that makes you tick, that which you can give up sleep for and also brings you joy.

Demystifying the Myth

What a Passion is

Passion comes from identifying all the little bits of things that interests you or matter to you. You can also be multi-passionate in that you have passion for many things like writing, interior designs, health and wellness and so on.

Passion is what you do for fun and brings you delight and they may be incorporated into your purpose to set you apart and make you different.

For instance, you may enjoy reading books, blogs, newsletters, or listening to personal development audios, podcasts or TV Programmes. You may also love pets, music and interior design but not necessarily want to be an interior designer, a veterinary, artist or musician. You get the drift?

Whereas Purpose is the ‘BIG’ thing you are created to do. Not all your passion will make you profit or bring in money. Not all your passions should be businesses. Some hobbies and passions are never meant to be monetized and would actually suck as a business.

Being fulfilled in your life’s purpose gives you tremendous opportunity to enjoy all of your life’s passion because you are not struggling to make profit from your passion.

Your PURPOSE brings in the PROFIT for you to enjoy your PASSION.

Download this purpose defining worksheet to help you unleash your purpose and passion

What differentiates a Purpose from a passion is — one is designed to impact others and the other impacts oneself. Purpose is your life’s gift to impact into other people, physically, emotionally, socially, financially, intellectually and spiritually.

It’s an unquenchable desire to use our gifts to serve others, and in some way, shape or form, make some kind of meaningful contribution to make the world a better place. Purpose helps you contribute to the world and give meaning to other lives.

Passion on the other hand only benefits you the receiver and is not for the enjoyment and benefit of all. What you may be passionate about may be harboured by some-else and it doesn’t really impart anyone.

Just because you are passionate about a topic, activity or hobby doesn’t mean you can start a business around it and make money, however this idea is what keeps many entrepreneurs in dreamland.

They are trying to find a way to earn money doing everything they love or are passionate about.

Do not get me wrong, any business you are doing must stem out of passion; but the underlining factor is that it must impact other people’s life if it will make you money.

In part 2 of this post, I will discuss the Four Guiding Principles to help Unleash your Purpose. But before we delve into that, please download the Purpose Defining Exercise that will help turn Insight into Actions.

Action Point: please post in the comments what you think you are ‘called’ to do that gives you fulfilment even if you don’t get financial reward for it, you would do it regardless.

To be continued…

Turn insights into action, download the Purpose Defining Exercise 

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